Thursday, April 16, 2009


Korben is still not walking a whole lot on his own. He will take 4-5 steps (like you saw on the video) when he really wants something, but for now he is satisfied with crawling and pulling up. His interest in walking grows a little more every day, but he seems to be really interested in climbing!

I had to take his little rocking chair out of his room because he would climb up in it, and then try to climb into the window seat. Sooo dangerous! He would also like to climb to the top of his chest of drawers in his room if I would let him. Sometimes I wonder if I were to leave him alone, what all he would really try to do. Of course, I'm never going to let this experiment play is just an interesting thought.

Last week, Aaron had a game night with the youth. He brought the games home and laid them down in front of the armoire (yes, I just had to look up how to spell that!). The next morning, Korben thought "Perfect, step stools." He climbed right up on top of the games and starting pushing the buttons on the x-box, and cable box.

Yesterday, he figured out that he could climb on top of his activity table. I would pull him down, and he would pop right back up on top. He reminded me of an elephant at the circus, balanced on one of those tiny platforms.

Moms that are reading this...did/does your 13 month old climb? I'm nervous when he is going to learn he can climb out of his crib. It seems impossible because his bed is as low as it can go, but you never know!


Unknown said...

We had a 16 month old at work who knew how to climb out of his crib, we eventually had to get a mat for him to sleep on because it was just too dangerous, I figure in the next few months Korben will learn, surely theres some mommies out there who know how to combat that!

Raina's Retreat said...

Oh Kristen, not impossible! It's not can he, but when will he? One morning he will peek over the side of YOUR bed saying "hi, momma!" And my dear, they never stop, Bry is still climbing! Your life is getting more interesting daily.

Jennifer said...

Super cute pictures! Alli was especially resourceful as well by pushing the dining room table chairs on the slick tile floor up to the kitchen cabinets to see what she could find. I'm sure if he's not already doing that, he soon will be.

Rachel Freeman said...

Ada climbed out of her bed about 15 months. One morning I heard something banging on her door and it scared me to death, turns out it was just her. We just turned her bed into the toddler bed and put a rail on the side. She never got out of it... She wasn't a big climber, though. I do know some moms who just have to turn all their chairs upside down. And the fun begins!