Aaron and I decided it was time to visit the family. It had been three weeks since my mom had seen Korben and 4 weeks since Don and Julie had seen Korben. That was just way too long to go without seeing this growing boy! We left Wednesday night after church and drove to Jacksonville to see my mom. It worked out great because Aaron and I always end up staying awake really late on Wednesday nights discussing church anyway, so the 2.5 hour drive went really quickly. We spent a lot of time in the car this weekend driving to Jacksonville, all over Little Rock, to Heber Springs, and back to Fort Smith...but I have to say it was just so much fun to be in the car with my husband. As much as I love to listen to music, we actually never turned the radio on once. We just talked about the most random things. All the while, Korben was either sleeping or making motor boat noises in the back seat. We would be having a conversation thinking Korben was asleep and all of a sudden "twinkle twinkle little star" would start playing. We would then just crack up laughing, knowing that meant he was awake and chewing on his toy. I wish I could get a good video of him doing his motor boat noises. They're pretty impressive. Aaron and I can't even re-create those noises as well as he can...and believe me, we tried.
Below is a picture of Korben's first experience (and probably his last) bathing in a copper sink at his Poppy and Mopsy's house. He loved it!

Korben is just now paying attention to animals. This is Korben with his Mopsy, checking out their dog, "Sienna". I never could take the picture fast enough to capture Korben grabbing for the dog. This is the best I could do.

We were at a neat little store in Heber Springs that had this precious miniature rocking chair outside. We couldn't resist putting him in it for a photo opportunity. If you wonder how a 6 month old is sitting in a rocking chair, look closely to one of the pictures, and you will see that he was temporarily "clipped" in.
It doesn't take him long to make a new best friend!
Reflecting over a long day's work at the farm:
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