Monday, September 14, 2009


So you probably think this is Kristen Rodgers. This, however, is not. It's the dashingly handsome, always festively plump, Aaron Rodgers. The justification for me taking over my [smoking] hot wife's blog is due to my first hand witness of tonight's events with our son Korben.

I tried to get out of the office early today (before 4:00 pm), came home, rode my bike, then sat down to enjoy some precious time with my fam. Korben was dressed in this new orange and navy checkered button up shirt (he looks like a stud in it). What took me several minutes to finally notice was ... that, was all he was wearing. MY son is not completely happy, and I know what you're thinking, "But he's usually so happy?!" and "When I've seen him happy it seems as though no other child on earth could ascertain such exuberance!" .... Well, you've never seen him without his diaper on.

The child becomes a different being when freed from the bondage of his urination & defecation pouch. When I see this, I state my observation and ask him a question, "Korben, you're not wearing a diaper! Do you like that? You having fun?" Without pause he answered, "Yeah!" as he began walking away from me, towards his room. He rounds the corner to his room, out of my sight, and returns back around the corner a few seconds later with a diaper in hand!

(I know this is a play by play, but you're gonna want it in a sec, hang in there) He waddled back to me and handed me the diaper. I congratulated him for his cognitive efforts and began unfolding the diaper. He stood very close to me and watched me as I worked. I asked him if he wanted to put the diaper on, he acknowledged with silent compliance. As I concentrated on how I would attach this soon to be soiled underpants to my son who was standing upright ...

I felt a warm unexpected embrace on my hands. I looked down to see a steady stream of concentrated evil eloquently flowing from underneath this child's classy button up shirt. Only milliseconds passed before I repositioned the open diaper in my hands to catch the yellow stream. He stood there, motionless, a face of both pure concentration and ecstasy. I waited patiently, slightly moving the now heavier diaper to make sure all the "liquid" stayed in the diaper.

He finished.

Partially clapped.

And walked away.

That's what I would have done. So I tried to call for Kristen who was out of the room as I tried to stop laughing and congratulating Korben for his new found efforts. It's about the little things. The simple moments. I'll never forget this ... especially on Korben's wedding dinner rehearsal night.


Woody said...

He's Gonna be a Plumber.

Trey Prieur said...

That is tooooo funny!!!!!!!! Aaron is such an eloquent writer. This is such a great story!