Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Stomach Virus Part II

A lot has happened since the last time I posted. By yesterday afternoon I thought Korben was 100% better. The nurse said if he went 6 hours without having any sort of "episode" I could give him watered down milk. I know what you are thinking "milk is the worst thing for someone with an upset stomach." Well, I did what the nurse said, and gave him milk last night before he went to bed. I felt good about it, because I was convinced that he was hungry and needed some calories to fill him up before a long night's sleep. Well, he did sleep great. Seriously, for about 15 hours. He woke up this morning, and I fed him some toast while he drank another sippy cup of milk. Everything seemed normal and I was thinking he was 100%.

After breakfast, Korben snuggles up my lap, lethargic, sucking his thumb. This was working well for me since I was still so weak from the evening I'd just had (I'll explain later). I'm thinking, aww, he is still getting over his virus. He's sleepy and he wants to snuggle. Perfect. ***DO NOT read this next sentence, if you have a weak stomach***When about 10 minutes later he sits up and vomits up what appears (and smels) to be about a gallon of feta cheese on me.***Don't get mad at me, I warned you*** So, apparently the milk was a bad idea. At this point, I feel terrible for giving him milk! I cleaned him up and just laid him in his crib. He passed out with exhaustion.

He really seemed to be better the rest of the day. He drank about two sippy cups full of pedialyte in between 10 and 12, but he wouldn't drink anything else the rest of the day (I couldn't even get him to eat a popsicle!). He just lightly snacked on bananas, crackers, and toast. It really stressed me that he wouldn't drink anything else, but the pharmacist assured me that he would be okay through the night. It was really hard to put him to sleep tonight because he was having obviously having some stomach cramps.

I'm really praying that he will be virus-free tomorrow...ready to eat, drink, and be merry! It worries me when he doesn't eat, but it REALLY worries me when he doesn't drink.

So, If I was going to get this virus, I couldn't have gotten it at a better time. Aaron walked through the door yesterday around 4:30 when I just started getting nauseated. He was able to take over Korben duty while my stomach virus kicked into high gear. While Korben was asleep, basically all night, I was as sick as I ever remember being. I will spare you the details...but it was rough. I was so weak I couldn't even lift my voice to get Aaron's attention in the living room. I seriously had to text him. I never would have dreamed, even at 3 in the morning, that I would wake up being able to even lift my body...much less, lift Korben and take care of him by morning time. Well, praise the Lord, I woke up much free from stomach virus symptoms, and was able to take care of my baby all day. I knew that Aaron didn't need to stay home with us because he did not need to catch it, or miss work!

Well, tonight, the poor husband caught it. He has been sick for the past couple of hours. Not good timing on his part considering tomorrow is the most important day of his week.

I am praying that we do not all pass this virus back and forth to each other. Now that we've all been tagged, hopefully it will die!

I promise to do a happy post soon, sharing all of the cool/funny things Korben is doing now that he is one. The list of cool/funny things does not include vomiting, just so you know.


Raina's Retreat said...

you poor thing. i thought that just happened when you had more than one kid. i'm so sorry you all have been tagged. tummy virus' are no no no fun.

Rachel Freeman said...

The freeman family feels your pain, Isaac and I got it. I know Brody got it too, sara's little boy. Ada seemed to escape it as well as Darren. Sorry guys, get better soon!

Trey Prieur said...

I hope everyone is feeling better. Always a struggle with everyone having a virus! Get better!