I'm happy to report that we are feeling much better than the last time I posted! I felt 100% better by Monday after several doses of Mucinex. Love that stuff. I'm just now thinking Korben is better. Last night was the first night that I didn't hear him cough all night, and his runny nose seems to be better. I hope his ear infection is better, only time will tell. I've taken a few cute pictures of him the past couple days that I wanted to post. His favorite thing to do right now is stand up while holding on to something. Here are some pictures of him standing up against the back door, staring into the back yard. He was so entertained.

He was so proud of himself!

He looks like he is trying to introduce himself to the neighbors in the picture below:

Cold weather is here, and it was time for Korben to get his first coat. I bought it for him last night, and we tried it on him this morning. We thought he looked so cute in it! (Don't worry, we do put plan to put pants on him when we take him out in the cold!)

Below is a picture I took accidentally. I actually ended up liking the picture because it shows just how beautiful his blue eyes are.
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