Month two was tough. She was diagnosed with reflux and was put on zantac...just like Korben at her age. She seemed to have a sensitivity to dairy through my breastmilk, just like Korben. We switched to formula, just like we did with Korben. And had countless fussy nights...just like Korben. It was a very discouraging time, and is already almost a blur. Survival was my key word. My key phrase was "it's just a season." However, by her two month birthday things seemed to get a little bit better and our first Sunday back at church was February 27th. I didn't think we would ever make it out the door that morning, but we did...and it helped restore my soul to be back with the Body. I LOVE my church, and I'm so grateful that there are people here love my babies.
Here she is in the nursery for the first time with her personal bodyguard (or maybe she should be called the "Babyguard"), Linda Cain. We love you, Linda!
The thing that made month two so rewarding was her beginning to SMILE. Maybe there is a reason that babies don't come straight from the womb smiling. Maybe God knows that after two months of sleepless nights and hearing a baby cry that your baby's smile will be the sweetest sight for tired eyes. It makes ALL the difference. I'm not talking about the smiles that newborns do that people say are from gas (which I don't believe at can gas make babies cry and smile?). I'm talking about the kind of smile where you talk to them, and they lock eyes with you and smile like you are the greatest thing in the world. LIFE changing!
I took her to the doctor just a couple days after she turned 2 months and she weighed 14 lbs. and measured 24 inches. That put her in the 95 percentile for weight and the 87th for height. Thriving baby girl. She completely graduated out of all of her 3 month clothes and wears nothing but 6 month clothes. She has also been in a size 2 diaper for at least the past 3 weeks, and I feel like she will be in a 3 in no time. I honestly don't feel like Klaire has ever been a tiny baby. I feel like I've been talking about how big she was since the day she was born. (Klaire, if you are reading this at 16 please don't think your Momma is calling you were just a BEAUTIFUL, healthy baby! Perfect in every way!)
Her monthly pictures REALLY showed how much she grew this month. Compare the difference yourself!
Other than her apparent growth, one of the biggest differences to me was the skin color change. She has almost completely lost her jaundice skin color. On the day I took her pictures, all I got was a grin, but it still completely melts my heart!
I'm already looking forward to writing my 3 month post because some exciting things have been happening lately! I'll give you a hint *more smiling, more sleeping, less crying* and *THE BUMBO SEAT!*
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