8:00 a.m. Woke up and played the drums (from Poppy) until Mom got breakfast ready!
8:30 Big breakfast and Birthday Cupcake #1
9:00 Played with tool set from Uncle Dustin and tent from Uncle John and Aunt Tommie Sue
9:30 Outside in the gorgeous weather! Played in the swing, wagon, and then went on a 1 hour stroll to see the horses down the street!
Compare the next two pictures! The first was taken on Korben's birthday last year when his friend Brayden came over.

12:30 Completed lunch and Birthday Cupcake #2
5:00 After a 3 hour nap (must be a myth that sugar keeps you from sleeping), had dinner and the FINAL birthday cupcake!
5:30- All ready for church. Have to get our yearly (okay, well, I've only done it twice) picture with Geoffrey. Compare with the picture below. I don't know why the picture below is so small, but you can still tell just how much he has grown since his last birthday!

Check out Korben's awesome shirt from Mopppy. SO him!
He had the special privilege of practicing the drums with Adam at church! SO much fun for him!
Korben with "Binda" (Linda Cain), one of his favorite people in the whole world. She might as well be family!
Since he turned 2 that day, he promoted to the "play room" at church, and happily kissed "the baby room" good bye! You can see what a ball he had in there!
So, that concludes a day in the life of a 2 year old! Pictures from his birthday party to come!
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