Wednesday, January 21, 2009


Here are the videos of Korben I have been promising. This past weekend, my best friend Emily came to visit me. It was so much fun watching Korben interact with her. I think he was pretty sad to see her go!

I had just told Emily, "He really likes when you pretend like a stuffed animal is a puppet." I think he could have laughed all night long with this little "screaming- bear" routine she had going on. They seriously went back and forth with this for about 15 minutes. We were laughing so hard at him, we were crying.

For Christmas, my mom got us a Bose iPod dock. We are enjoying it so much! We just leave our iPod on it and listen to music all the time! Korben is loving it the most. He absolutely loves music. Whenever he is fussy, I just turn on an up-beat song and dance circles around him. Lets just say that he has been really in to "Cotton-eyed Joe" lately! Here he is with Emily, "Bringin' sexy back." **Please notice the dance break he does entirely with arm motions in the middle of this clip!

And last, but not least- Here he is discovering one of the best toys in our house. In fact, one of these toys is located in every room! It only took him learning to crawl for us to notice we even had these built in toys!


Anonymous said...

Those were great! I loved them!

Melissa Southerland said...

TOO CUTE!!! And just wait until he pulls one of those door stops completely off. My boys have done that with several of those :)